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Delivery Crew Basics

Posted By : Gary Simon Date Created : December 23rd, 2011 Date Updated : May 16th, 2023

The Quest ChallengeThere are a number of things about owning a business that you need to keep in mind, and one of the most important is making sure that your business is represented correctly. Having your business represented incorrectly will help your business to sink faster than it started, and that is definitely something that you don’t want to have happen. One thing that you may not think about when it comes to business representation is what your delivery crew looks like. How they look, and how they act, reflects directly upon your business, so it’s vital that you make sure that whenever someone who works for you delivers inflatable jumpers that they do so in the correct way.


If you are having someone else deliver your inflatable jumpers, even if you are only having friends or family members do it, it’s important that they look the right way. If you are just starting out and do not have a uniform (although it is possible to get affordable polos and to have them embroidered easily), make sure they wear something that is nice looking and that is not offensive. Even wearing simple dark blue t-shirts and khaki pants is a very respectful way to look, and will go a long way to helping your customers to feel as though they have rented from the right person.


The other thing you need to make sure of is that anyone who is setting up inflatable jumpers for you knows how to act. Make sure that they know that they are to be responsible and respectful at all times, and saying “ma’am” and “sir” can go a long way towards that. People enjoy being treated respectfully and they will think better of your business if you treat them this way. Make sure that anyone who sets up the inflatable jumpers for you knows how to set it up properly – run through the process with them a few times and make sure you have them do it for you without any help from you, as there is nothing less professional than someone bumbling around trying to set something up without knowing how to do it.

Anyone who sets up inflatable jumpers for you is a direct representation of your business, so make sure that they are able to do so in a respectful manner, and that they know exactly what they’re doing.

Article Name
Delivery Crew Basics
If you are having someone else deliver your inflatable jumpers, even if you are only having friends or family members do it, it’s important that they look the right way.
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