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Dual Castle Obstacle Course

Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 image 2
Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 image 3
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Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 image 6
Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 image 7
Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 image 8
Included accessories
Inflatable Dual Castle Obstacle Course IN-1137 accessories image 1
Cart or Quote Model W x L x H unit lb Price Sale Price
IN-1137-A:   11 x 61 x 18 660 $5,995.00 $5,395.00
Choose a side and get ready to race! Our colorful interactive inflatable products are a hit, no matter what kind or size of outdoor party. This popular model is designed for maximum fun. It features a double-arched opening with two separate lanes, allowing for head-to-head competition. Youngsters must then battle their way through the inflatable obstacle course before reaching the short climbing wall/access ladder. On the back end of the unit, an extra wide slide finishes things off. Mesh panels on the body of the inflatable are great for keeping the interior cool. We’ve decorated our commercial grade inflatable with castle styling, including inflatable turrets and arches for a unique fantasy look. The bright colors and exciting play opportunities will send kids running!