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Inflatable Foosball Arena

Inflatable Inflatable Foosball Arena GA-1047 image 2
Inflatable Inflatable Foosball Arena GA-1047 image 3
Inflatable Inflatable Foosball Arena GA-1047 image 4
Inflatable Inflatable Foosball Arena GA-1047 image 5
Included accessories
Inflatable Inflatable Foosball Arena GA-1047 accessories image 1
Cart or Quote Model W x L x H unit lb Price Sale Price
GA-1047-A:   18 x 40 x 5 162 $2,995.00 $2,695.00
This giant commercial grade inflatable foosball table brings this classic pub game to life in vivid color. There’s room for a whole team: our inflatable interactive is 18 feet wide and a whopping 40 feet long. Goals at either end collect the balls as they are kicked and rolled to score points. Mesh panels behind the goals allow for easy ball retrieval. We build our inflatable products from a rugged vinyl fabric, giving them a durability that cannot be beat. The colors of blue, red, and white were chosen to add visual pizazz. For outdoor parties or large events, our giant inflatable arena offers many hours of fun with little or no maintenance.