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Long Deflator

Inflatable Long Deflator XA-1209 image 2
Inflatable Long Deflator XA-1209 image 3
Cart or Quote Model Price Sale Price
  XA-1209-A:   $55.00 $49.00

Designed to work with 1, 1.5, and 2 HP  HW  air blowers ( BLACK AND YELLOW BLOWER)
Designed to work with 1, 1.5, and 2 HP  TURBO  air blowers ( BLACK AND PURPLE BLOWER)
Designed to work with ONLY 1.5, and 2 HP  Ez Inflatables  air blowers ( BLACK AND ORANGE BLOWER)
Will not work with B-Air Blowers

Save time and pack your inflatable down to a smaller storage size with this long deflator. Made of a durable plastic, this deflator reduces the time needed to remove air from a bouncer or inflatable slide by as much as 50%. Simply set up the deflator and let it do its work while you attend to other tasks. Best of all, this deflator allows for a tighter roll than the traditional method of “walking” air out of the inflatable. For rental businesses, time savings equals more profits, helping you to maximize efficiency at your next rental event.